Book My Table - Search – Book - Enjoy

Book My Table – A Unique platform to increase foot traffic to our Member Restaurants

Let the aroma from your Restaurant bring in the foodies

Book My Table - Platform to get Foodies to your Restaurants  

Today having an online platform for booking a table is essential for any restaurant. An online platform is highly beneficial for the Restaurant, and the people also, who can easily book a table at their favorite Indian Restaurant in no time. Now, book a table for two or your entire family to celebrate your success, seamlessly in less than under 60 minutes during working hours, in your favorite Indian Restaurant.

Without arguing, one can conclude that this is an excellent opportunity for both the diners and the Restaurant. The Restaurant will have the chance to get first-hand honest opinions and reviews from their customers. While good reviews boost confidence and give the enthusiasm to carry on with the excellent work the Restaurant is doing; negative reviews help the Restaurant to improve on their shortcomings.

Making a reservation through Book My Table is very simple. The diner needs to log on to the Book MyTable page and make the necessary selections to find the ideal Indian Restaurant, near them. Depending on the preference of cuisine and the location, whether the diner chooses a vegetarian or non-vegetarian meal, the search will present a suitable restaurant. The individual gets confirmation on their reservation from the Restaurant within less than 60 minutes. Book My Table presents with a unique opportunity to match the Indian Food lovers with their favorite restaurants in no time.

The Restaurant also benefits immensely from Book My Table, as it is the perfect platform to know the status of the tables in a restaurant and get real-time slots, which makes it a lot easier to manage tables and avoid any mishaps or manual errors. It is easier to manage the workforce around the Restaurant if, as a restaurant owner, you have full knowledge of the bookings of your Restaurant. Managing the Restaurant is easier when you have real data on the actual table turnaround times and occupancy rates. Also, allow your customers to make reservations through different online portals like your Restaurant page or the Book My Table portal, through IRANZ.

As a restaurant, you have access to your guest database with access to their transaction history, their likings, and dislikings, amongst many other essential data, which is helpful in the growth of the business. To expand your customer base, your regular customers must be happy and spread the right word about your Restaurant. One can use the data and take initiatives in doing their part, so the regular foodies are engaged in the place now and then. A special discount on their birthday or anniversary can do the trick.

Every Member Restaurant of the Indian Restaurants Association in New Zealand or IRANZ has the opportunity to increase the footfall in their restaurants. It is a unique and very innovative way to spread the right word, gain international search opportunities while expanding the customer base of the Restaurant. Not to mention, it is also a golden opportunity to promote your Restaurant on the online portal while making a strong online presence. And, there is no explanation required for mentioning the importance of an online presence for any business today.  

In recent times, an online booking platform for reservations is pertinent to the success of the business. Such a platform also gives a universal face value to the Restaurant. The Book My Table by IRANZ allows the restaurant owner to expand the business while allowing the true Indian food lover to connect with the Restaurant of their choice and reserve a table in less than under 60 minutes. It is a seamless and hassle-free way of celebrating with your loved ones, family members, or friends. 

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